45/400 EZ-Safe® Child Resistant White Polypropylene Closure with PE Liner

Item 66873

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The patented design of the EZ-Safe® closure delivers a robust visual footprint for better brand differentiation. Utilizing special ergonomic "ribs" positioned along the outer edge, this closure provides a unique "in-hand" consumer experience. The combination text instructions and pictograms promote proper opening and closing, while the unique ribbed edge allows for an easy grip and a more comfortable opening/closing action. Additionally, the EZ-Safe® closure is compatible with a range of bottle sizes. Unlike other CR caps on the market, the opening instructions on the EZ-Safe® closure are recessed into the cap, allowing for promotional stickers or coupons to be securely fastened to the top.

  • Polypropylene closure
  • PE liner
  • Fully compliant & child resistant
  • Stickers/coupons can adhere to the top
  • Dimensions: 2.147" W x 0.66" Hgt.

Item Information

Item Number: 66873
Catalog Page Number: P-28
Manufacturer: Not Listed
Manufacturer Part #: USP 66873
Country of Origin: USA

Tech Specs

Style: Cap
Mouth: 45/400
Weight: 0.021 lbs

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